Thursday, June 28, 2007

600 Home Runs...Check Out Those Guns!

Well, for any of you out there that follow baseball, you understand just what an incredible achievement Sammy Sosa has accomplished. After taking a year off, Sammy came back to baseball, joined the Texas Rangers and swung his bat right into the history books! Regardless of the speculation of steroid use, none of which has been proven, the feat of hitting 600+ home runs is remarkable! It is truly something to be celebrated! Now there is a lot of talk of whether Sammy should be eligible to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. No one knows for sure how he was able to accomplish and maintain so much success in his career. What we do know is that for all the accolades he receives, the rumors swirling around him and other players like him come back ten-fold.

It didn't have to be this way. It's sad that young Little Leaguers are feeling the pressure to achieve and to build themselves up like these players have. Unfortunately, I think there is too much pressure and these youngsters turn to steroids and other unsafe drugs to try to get the bodies they think will give them success.

But the answer is not steroids. There is a safe, healthy alternative to help athletes of any kind achieve a healthy and strong body. There have been documented stories of athletes using Shaklee products to boost their performance. These amazing products will not only keep you hydrated but they will help maintain your energy level and help your muscles recover more quickly! And any athlete knows that the recovery time can be crucial.

So, all of you sports enthusiasts out there...take heed! Make sure that the products you're using to help your performance are actually helping your overall health. And the Shaklee Sports Nutrition products are just as safe for kids as they are adults. So, if you have a child that plays any kind of owe it to them to give them safe, natural supplements that will help their performance and keep them healthy as well! Let's all get healthy and stay that way!

Here's to your health!

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