Thursday, July 26, 2007

Making a Difference!

Well, this month has been a crazy one for our family. We started the month with a fun holiday week. We didn't do much of anything...but we had fun doing nothing together. And then as soon as the fun was over....the fun was over. My husband got sick...sinus infection. Then I got sick...flu kind of stuff. And then my daughter got an ear ache from swimming. Ugh! So, as you can tell with all of that taking place...the blog has suffered. Sorry about that.

So, here I am again with new thoughts about life and business. My dad sent me an e-mail newsletter yesterday from the Gitomer Weekly Column. In it was a quote from Charlie Tremendous Jones. It reads as follows: "The only difference between where you are now, and where you'll be next year, are the books you read and the people you meet!" How profound..but true. I have been reading a lot lately about business, marketing and the like and have learned a lot. I have also met a few new people this month. People who are passionate about what they do. Maybe a little too passionate. To be truthful...I was a little scared. Ha ha! But they are truly happy and successful people.

This morning as I was thinking over that quote and thinking about the people I met last night especially, I realized that although those people were a little out of the ordinary...they made an impression on me. A positive impression. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the people in this world who live life to the fullest and with gusto, are the ones who win. Those who sit back cynically and watch the passionate ones "making fools of themselves" are the ones who really lose out.

Then as I was thinking of this I was reminded of a passage in 1 Peter 1:13-16. This is in the Message Bible Translation because this version really hits home.
"So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that's coming when Jesus arrives. Don't lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn't know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God's life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. "

Whether you're a beliver in God or not, you can find truth in this passage. It is easy to sit back and let life happen. But I believe after reading this passage and so many other books on people who have made significant life changes, we have got to live "a life energetic and blazing with holiness." If we make the choice in our lives to do the things we should do first before we do the things we feel like doing...our lives would be so much richer and much more abundant! And if we do those things with! What a legacy we'd leave behind.

So here is my quest. I am choosing to live a life of difference. I am choosing to read books and meet people and make an impact on the people I meet. I choose not to be invisible anymore. In life and in business we all have to make choices. Here's to making the right ones! And, of course, HERE'S TO YOUR HEALTH!

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