Sunday, June 11, 2006

My Transformation From Agnostic to Evangelist About Food Supplements and Detoxification

How’s that for a title? Sounds deep, doesn't it? But it really does describe what I want to talk about here. I, like some of you, was an agnostic when it came to food supplementation. There’s a lot of hype about the “whole food” supplementation craze in the media now and pretty much every where you look. There’s so much hype that, if you’re like me, you tend to just tune it out thinking that there’s not much substance to it. I mean, even a lot of doctors out there think that taking vitamins or food supplements is a waste of time and money. But is it really possible to get all the nutrients our bodies need from the grocery store or at a restaurant as some might suggest?

Let’s take a moment to explore that question. At one time in the history of the world, probably in the Garden of Eden, it was possible. But considering the current American lifestyle; eating on the run, running while you eat, eating while you drive and burning the candle at both ends, it’s no wonder that we feel tired all the time. We are constantly on the go and don’t take the time to really think about what we’re eating or how we’re treating our bodies. And many of us rationalize the things we eat. We’ve all done it. Here’s my favorite! Pizza can be healthy….right? It possesses the four basic food groups. Bread….check! Dairy….check! Meat/Protein…..check! Fruits & veggies (if you add onions/pineapple)….check! That should cover our nutritional bases, right? Wrong. Obviously, our bodies need so much more that that.

Throughout the course of our discussions here, I want to tell you the story about how my family and I were “transformed from agnostic to evangelist about food supplements and detoxification” and able to get the nutrition our bodies needed and feel better in the process. I believe everyone is looking for some kind of formula, some kind of recipe for optimal health and wellness. Well, believe it or not, I think we’ve found it. So hang in there with me and enjoy my story as I share with you about what we believe to be our personal “fountain of youth!” So, until next time…. “Here’s to your health!”


Jamie Koesema said...

Thanks for your comment Earl. Isn't it great to feel great and not have to visit the doctor all the time? Your story is a true testimony to the power of the Shaklee supplements! Keep up the good work and keep healthy too. Stay tuned for more of our story about how Shaklee has helped us!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I am amazed at all the miraculous things that these food supplements can do for you. It is a reason to keep going with them. I will keep watching for the continuation of your story. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, It truly is amazing because I know how true your story is and will continue to be. And the reason that I know that is that I too am on Shaklee Food Supplements and it really has paid off for me. I feel younger, and even look younger, I think, and I believe that I have found that Fountain of Youth. Thanks for letting me share.