Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Energy Beyond Compare

In my personal journey to wellness, there have been a lot of things that have really made me excited. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you've seen a bunch of them here. And just when I think I find the one thing that can't be topped, something else new comes along. Today, I want to introduce you to one of them. Something that has the power to change your life! Just like the Prayer of Jabez (see my previous post) can revitalize your life in a spiritual way, I have just found out about a pack of products that can revitalize your physical life in an incredible way! You won't believe what they can do for you. If you're looking for a healthy, natural way to boost your on! You'll get excited too and might even want to give it a chance to make your own journey more energized!

What am I so excited about? Shaklee's Vitalizer Wellness Packs! This is astounding! This pack is loaded with goodies never before put together into a single pack! And if purchased together in the pack, you get a savings of close to $25 as opposed to purchasing each product separately. These products literally help nourish every part of your body to get it to function properly and efficiently. Believe me, once you begin using these products together as a team, your body will almost immediately feel the difference! Check out the info below and you'll soon discover the scientific reasons why these products make such a dramatic difference in your health and well-being.

A new landmark study showed that people who took Shaklee supplements had markedly better health than both users of other multivitamins and users who took no supplements. Shaklee supplement users retained normal levels of: • Blood pressure • HDL cholesterol • Triglycerides • C-reactive protein • Homocysteine

Shaklee scientists studied and analyzed this breakthrough information and designed Vitalizer. Vitalizer provides:
• Vitamins + Minerals your body needs, in a S.M.A.R.T delivery system technology for
enhanced absorption.

• Most Powerful Antioxidant Spectrum: Superior protection against free radical damage
with full-spectrum vitamin E derived from eight natural forms and 26 antioxidants working together to augment your body’s antioxidant network.

• Anti-aging phytonutrients, including lutein and lycopene, to protect DNA and support healthy aging.

• Seven omega-3s from ultrapure pharmaceutical grade fish oil help promote heart, brain, and joint health.

• Live probiotics in a patented delivery system to ensure beneficial organisms arrive alive in intestines to support healthy digestion and immunity.

It's incredible that they were able to put all of these powerful products into one power pack! And added to Shaklee's Energizing Soy Protein or Shaklee's Cinch protein in the Vitalizer Wellness will be amazed just how good you will feel. And now you can choose between Soy Cinch or Whey Protein Cinch as well. So, now you don't have any excuses for being tired!

So join me in my journey to revitalize my life....and make the choice to revitalize yours! And as always...HERE'S TO YOUR HEALTH!

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